Topic Wise Words

Topic Culture:: PAGE #3

:: I think most people buying Gundam and Metal Gear Solid toys are older people who collect action figures rather than play with them:: Instead many are finding holistic panaceas and a philosophy which views the patient as a whole body rather than as a disease or a collection of symptoms more beneficial:: Local residents have claimed that one cause of the crisis is that bogus rate collectors are taking the money they collect so it does not get paid to the council:: The trouble is of course this doesnt happen by accident at all and the margin for error is huge:: The beautiful sounds of the Welsh Male Voice Choir of South Africa will drift across the lakes waters while the Meropa Basadi group will play carols on marimbas and drums giving the occasion a memorable African feel:: However the multiplex advantage is clear and advances in data acquisition technology and computer processing speed can make this a viable approach to rapid highresolution infrared ringdown data collection:: All in all I picked up ten magazines representing a wide base of styles and genres :: She also is unafraid to be generous with the pedal yet clarity isnt sacrificed:: A dirty looking girl of about ten suddenly appeared from a nearby alley her face caked with grime :: Beyond that the thugs are organized in a manner designed to maintain a tight grip on power:: Its a pleasant show of human kindness in a time when all we seem to hear about is terrorism and violence:: Emphasizing the unchanging aspects of the topography he made the case for the unbroken continuity of scriptural history with the living present:: Dont overwhelm independent technologyassessment reviewers by submitting large volumes of data:: His first hurdle as chairman will be to erase the cartoon image of him that is seared into the minds of most of the population:: In literature and drama lessons there is an increasing exposure to unsavoury material and language:: What did you attempt to impart to dramatists about playwriting at the National Playwrights Conference:: Instead filmmakers sensed the difficulty in dramatizing a story with so little dialogue and virtually no interaction between characters:: The homeowner used a sage green stain to finish her garden wall:: Associated with the element of fire and the sun in astrology the plant was often used in floral oracle readings:: arrangement of flowers:: This incident might warrant a newspaper headline but it is certainly not a story:: To me this is symbolic of the effect of the book shedding light on what otherwise might be passed by unnoticed:: I totally agree with Patrice Hall that a symbol loses its symbolism if it tells you what it symbolises:: I will let the image speak for itself for it has already spoken volumes to my heart in a symphony of simplicity and raw beauty:: The unnamed mistress of whom the first eight lines are prelude is finally addressed but not until line nine As I meet thee:: the bill for their meal came to 17:: Given what most people today think they know about Fascism this bare recital of facts is a mystery story:: Rocky Mountain National Park is a living showcase of the spectacular Rocky Mountains:: Eight town centre venues will feature up to forty bands covering all idioms from New Orleans through swing to bebop and contemporary jazz
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